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Video Series:  Killer Lawn Care Marketing Ideas

Picture of Chad Diller Author: Chad Diller

lawn care marketing ideasI've gotta say...I really love working with lawn care companies.

Maybe it's due to the fact that for eight years, I treated thousands of lawns.

Maybe it was due to the fact that this type of work seemed to be the easiest service for me to sell at my 7-year stint as a salesperson at a full-service lawn and landscape company. 

Or possibly it was the thrill I felt figuring out new ways to market lawn care services to add thousands of new lawn care customers each year. 

Whatever the case, it's a rush. But, I get as equally frustrated when I see lawn care companies trying to do their best but failing or getting lackluster results.

For this reason, about a year ago, I created some really helpful resources to sell more lawn care customers in the form of an email course called "7 Killer Lawn Care Marketing Ideas". With so many typical tips out there, I wanted to share these "killer" tips. 

Feel free to sign up for that course if you'd like. But, I also recently went a step further. I created more in-depth videos for 4 of these tips. Check out the full playlist on YouTube or watch the videos below. 


Let's get started, shall we?  


Video 1:  Build a Killer Lawn Care Website 


Description:  Tired of all the typical lawn care marketing ideas and tips? One of these repeated, obvious tips is to build a lawn care website. Forget the typical tip that leads to just another virtual brochure! Find out how experts build killer lawn care websites that bring in thousands of lawn care leads each year!


(RELATED READING:  Why & How to Address Cost of Services on Your Website)


Video 2:  Create a Killer Lawn Care Blog  


Description:  One of the typical lawn care marketing tips out there is to create a lawn care blog. This is not enough. In order to generate thousands of lawn care leads, you have to create a "Killer" lawn care blog. Find out how some of the industry's leaders are crushing their competition.


(RELATED READING: 8 Biggest Blogging Fails of Landscaping & Lawn Care Companies)


Video 3:  Killer Lawn Care Postcards That Land Thousands of Customers 


Description:  Tired of typical tips about lawn care postcards? These kinds of lawn care direct mail tips usually come from well-intentioned lawn care company owners sharing their experiences OR they are insights from a lawn care advertising agency who wants you to give them money. This video is neither of those (we don't mail postcards for our clients).

Check out these expert tips on how to get lawn care customers (thousands of them) from lawn care mailers. This happens when you do these things correctly. I've seen it happen for myself and dozens of other lawn care companies!


(RELATED READING:  5 Reasons Your Lawn Care Mailers Don't Work)


Video 4:  Building a Killer Lawn Care Referral Program 


Description: Does your lawn care business struggle with getting referrals for new lawn care customers? Learn how these tips revamped a lawn care referral program, generating over 850 new lawn care customers each year, leading to over $300k in new sales each season. 


(RELATED READING:  Customer Referral Programs - Tips & Examples)


Want regular, practical tips like these to take your lawn care or landscaping business to the next level? Then consider subscribing to my YouTube channel. Or if you'd rather read our in-depth articles on Landscape Leadership's website, you can also subscribe to our blog   

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Image Source:  Oasis Turf & Tree

Picture of Chad Diller

About Chad Diller

Chad is the President of Landscape Leadership. Prior to joining our team he served as a marketing manager for one of the Top 150 Companies in the Green Industry. In addition to his vast marketing experience, he also has held certifications such as an ISA Certified Arborist and Landscape Industry Certified Technician. He currently resides in beautiful Lancaster County, PA.

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