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Video: Examples of Landscaping & Lawn Care Sales Opportunities Perfect for Personalized Videos

Picture of Chad Diller Author: Chad Diller

In my last three videos, I taught you a trick to selling more lawn care, landscaping work in less time and with less aggravation. It was by using a new, innovative tool called "personalized sales videos". Instead of slinging out proposals and seeing what sticks to the wall, I encouraged you to try out this new technology.

But as promised, today I'm going to give you some real life sales situations to help you close more lawn care, landscape maintenance, pest control, and landscape design/build work in less time using personalized video. Follow me as we go outside and I show you how it's done.

Stay tuned.

(Check out the video with description, resources, comments, etc. on YouTube)


Video Transcription

If you haven't watched the first three videos in this series, you're going to want to hit pause now and check out those this video series from the beginning

Hey, what's up? It's Chad with Landscape Leadership. We help dozens of mid-sized lawn care and landscaping companies generate a ton of leads for their sales teams and turn those leads into more paying customers.

If you're new here, make sure you hit the subscribe button so that you get new videos when they get released. Also check out the description below the YouTube video, because I have additional resources and bonus materials that you're gonna want to see.

So let's get started. Practical and tactical. That's what today's video is going to be like. I am going to take you outside and show you some actual lawn care, landscaping, tree care, pest control situations where you can use personalized video to close prospects and up-sell customers with greater ease. Let's go.

Selling Plant Health Care (A.K.A. Tree & Shrub Care)

So I'm sure a lot of you who offer plant health care or tree and shrub care programs are very frustrated because homeowners don't typically care until something's dead or dying on their property.

This is a great opportunity to use personalize video. Find a tree and shrub on the property that is dying. Maybe some of the twigs are already dropping off from an advanced stage of disease and offer up a suggested service that might be able to help with that problem.

Selling Lawn Care Programs or Additional Treatments

Maybe you're trying to sell lawn care programs or maybe the person's lawn care program that you're working with just isn't aggressive enough.

Maybe you're looking at a situation like this, with a thin bank that's full of oxalis, and you're trying to show your prospective customer that there really is something that you could do about that.

You might have a pretty powerful opportunity to show them a before and after shot of one of your customer's lawns that had the same problem that you helped to fix.

Selling Mosquito Control

Or maybe you're trying to convince your prospective or active customer that they need mosquito control services. It might be a little bit more easy for them to understand where those mosquitoes are hiding out at night when they come out to sit on their patio.

And that could make for a very compelling proposal when you leave it on their front door.

Selling Landscape Maintenance 

We all know that homeowners are extremely busy. It could be that they don't even really understand just how messy their landscape is.

If you're trying to give them a proposal for landscape maintenance, you can create a personalized video pointing out some of these problems and some areas of their property that they haven't looked at for quite some time.

Selling Irrigation Service Upgrades

Do you have a customer with an older irrigation system? You could record a mini-demo for your prospect and show them some practical reasons why they should consider a system upgrade to smart controllers.

Selling Landscape Enhancements or Renovations

Personalized sales videos also worked really well for enhancements or landscape plantings.

Maybe there are spots in the beds that are kind of boring and need to be filled in with a little bit more texture or color. Or, there could be shrubs in the landscape that have outgrown their space and are encroaching upon structures that might need a replacement.

Selling Landscape Construction

Maybe when you worked with your customer years ago and installed their paver patio, they didn't have enough money to do other elements on their master plan.

Stopping by the property to see how things are going and pointing out to them, for example, "Hey, if you're ready now to do this concrete walkway in a similar paver material, we should talk."

It might just be the nudge they need to start that additional project.

Using Personalized Videos for Better Customer Service

Also, don't underestimate how you can use personalized videos to actually communicate to your customer that you're taking good care of them, checking on their property.

But also, do little value-added services for them. Maybe you just see a shrub that just needs a little bit of hand pruning or a weed that needs to be pulled. Adding that into your video can go a long way in developing a great customer relationship.

Combining Personalized Intros with Pre-recorded Segments

You may choose to pre-record some video segments that are just really powerful. They might not be exactly personalized, so you might have to splice them together with an intro that actually uses your prospect or customer's name.

But imagine the power of these videos. Say you're trying to sell a privacy screen. You planted a group of green giant arborvitaes on a customer's property four or five years ago. You go out, shoot a little video to show them how big they've gotten. Then you shoot another personalized intro and splice it together with stock footage that you've pre-recorded and you have just a really great example about where you could take this prospective customer.

In years from now, you might have a video library of all different types of things like this, showing them different types of products, hardscape materials, you name it. These are really great assets that you can combine together for a really powerful message. 

Ideas & Landscaping and Lawn Care Sales Can Be Limitless

And these are just a couple of ideas that I came up with off the top of my head. I'm sure that you can come up with so many more.

Are you ready to use personalized video in your lawn care and landscaping sales process?

Again, this is super powerful. It will help you to close more lawn care and landscaping work in less time. Thanks for watching. Keep me posted on how personalized sales videos are going for you. Have a really great day!

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Picture of Chad Diller

About Chad Diller

Chad is the CEO of Landscape Leadership. Prior to joining our team he served as a marketing manager for one of the Top 150 Companies in the Green Industry. In addition to his vast marketing experience, he also has held certifications such as an ISA Certified Arborist and Landscape Industry Certified Technician. He currently resides in beautiful Lancaster County, PA.

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