Lead Intelligence: Your Lawn Care & Landscaping Superpower

landscaping sales crystal ball

You get basic information about a lead when they submit a website form or call your office. But how do you know who’s serious and who’s just shopping around for quotes and RFPs? How would you understand what their deeper challenges and interests are (even before you talk to them)?

An experienced salesperson will get the answers, but it takes time. And when you have a database of thousands of past and recent contacts, that time adds up. 

What if you could get inside the minds of your prospects? You’d know what things they care about, how serious they are in moving forward, and the exact moment you should send your proposal.

landscaping business developer sales computer

Image Source:  Level Green Landscaping

These insights are possible with digital “lead intelligence”. And, it’s real-time activity data you could have at your fingertips.

Over the years, Landscape Leadership® has helped lawn care and landscaping companies implement powerful sales technology to grow their business. Here are some of our tips to unlock your lead intelligence superpower.


Our Favorite Tool for Lead Intelligence

While there are many tools out there that can give your sales team lead intelligence, we’ll share some examples from our favorite tool, HubSpot. It’s an affordable software that enables extraordinary results (plus we use it regularly ourselves).

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This tool will covertly track your prospective customer’s activity across email and your website.

[RELATED READING: 10 Reasons HubSpot is Perfect for Lawn Care & Landscaping Companies]


Leveraging Website Visits and Email Interactions 

What information is going to help you further qualify a lead, adapt your approach, and close deals faster? How they engage with your website’s content!

If your prospect has viewed your lawn care services page six times and read a related case study, you’ll want to casually bring up that service in your conversations. 

customer concern phone call for service pest control

Image Source:  Lawn & Pest Solutions

And if you track emails and know they haven’t opened the proposal you sent them last week, it’s a good idea to give them a call. 

Monitoring website and email activity can also help you reach out when your lawn care or landscaping company is top-of-mind. Have you ever been called by a salesperson after you’ve been on a website searching for information and just thought it was an interesting coincidence? They probably had some lead intelligence from a tool like this. 


Score and Prioritize Leads

Landscaping and lawn care companies, especially those who’ve been around for some time, could have hundreds or thousands of people in their databases. This could be a mix of new leads, old leads, previous customers, or cancelations. It’s challenging to keep up with these opportunities.

Having a way to score and prioritize leads helps your team make better decisions. 

Perhaps a salesperson is estimating a project for both a university and a hospital. The facility manager at the hospital has opened multiple emails, watched some videos, and even downloaded a resource on your website. 

On the other hand, the director of grounds at the university hasn’t engaged with your content at all. Which of these leads are you going to focus your energy on first?

lead scoring

HubSpot allows you to create custom lead scores based on certain criteria. Website and email activity may increase their score, but you can also factor in the contact’s role at the company (the real decision makers), property type (maybe you love HOAs more), you name it! 

[RELATED READING: How Landscaping Companies Can Modernize Their Prospecting]


Reengage at the Right Time

What if you’re working with a commercial property manager who seems interested in your services, you completed a site visit, sent them a proposal, and then they stopped responding? Now what?

timeline activity

You don’t know if they were scared off by the price if their priorities changed, or what caused them to ghost you. There’s not much you can do, but you can be ready when that prospect pops back up.

With lead intelligence, you can:

  • Set up notifications when they visit your site or reopen an email
  • Send an automated email a year later when it’s time to rebid a project
  • Enroll them in a series of automated emails that stop the moment they respond to an email or book a meeting on your calendar

[RELATED READING: How to Reengage Landscape Leads That Ghost You]


Make Technology Your Sidekick 

Tired of wasting your time with bad-fit leads, or losing great opportunities to the competition because they responded quicker?

landscaping lawn care ai content marketing

If you don’t adopt some form of lead intelligence, you could be missing out on some prime opportunities. Thankfully, this technology isn’t going to break the bank and our team can help you get it set up the right way. 

If you like regular insights like these, subscribe to our blog. If you’re interested in incorporating lead intelligence into your sales process, we’d love to hear from you. Feel free to request a consultation

Picture of James Mann

About James Mann

James is a Technology Implementation Specialist for Landscape Leadership. Before joining our team he spent several years in the agency world fine-tuning his skillset. James currently resides in Houston, TX with his wife and two dogs.

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