
On Being Nimble in Business and Life

Picture of Chris Heiler Author: Chris Heiler

We're living in an era which will be viewed as a more historic period than even the industrial revolution when blood, sweat and tears fueled American dreams. When only the strong survived.

Survival of the fittest? Today--and tomorrow--it's survival of the nimblest.

"Nimble" is the new buzzword.

There has been more innovation the past three years than the 30 years previous. Rapid innovation like this blows up traditional models, systems, organizations, lifestyles...everything!

Rapid innovation means change.

Those who are nimble enough to successfully manage and leverage this constant change will thrive. This includes businesses of all sizes as well as individuals in their careers and personal lives.

What are the characteristics of nimble individuals?

They are not saddled with debt and tied to lenders. They are not weighted down by unnecessary "stuff". They intentionally live light understanding change is lurking around the corner--always ready and able to maneuver.

They embrace life-long learning and new skill acquisition. Not because they are told to, but because they understand it raises their value.

They are decisive. Yet flexible enough to deal with the consequences of their firm decisions and actions.

They don't fear risk. They thrive on it.

They are self-reliant.

Nimble individuals are always moving forward. Never looking back. Always a step ahead of the rest.

The characteristics of a nimble business are strikingly similar to nimble individuals. Consider these as well:

Nimble businesses are able to react in real-time--anytime--not just between the hours of 9 and 5 Monday through Friday.

Nimble businesses are lean--but not on innovation. They are not bloated by excess inventory, equipment and employees, unnecessary work space and unprofitable customers.

Nimble businesses don't talk about "how things used to be done". They lead. They innovate.

What can you do today to become more nimble?

Picture of Chris Heiler

About Chris Heiler

Chris is the founder and CEO of Landscape Leadership. He has been in the green industry for over 20 years. Aside from leading the team at Landscape Leadership he enjoys speaking at green industry events across the country sharing his insights on marketing and sales. Chris now lives in Austin, TX, a transplant from the midwest and the great state of Michigan.

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